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Marine Geohazard

Bringing together the expertise of the two countries, the MARINEGEOHAZARD project aims for the establishment of a joint regional early-warning system and of a common decision tool, which can support in an efficient manner the emergency managers and decision makers in their activity related to protection of the local communities, environment and assets within the cross-border area, from consequences of natural marine geohazards.

General objective:

Implementation of an integrated early-warning system accompanied by a common decision-support tool, and enhancement of regional technical capability, for the adequate detection, assessment, forecasting and rapid notification of natural marine geohazards of risk to the Ro-Bg Black Sea cross-border area.

Specific objective:

  • Define and implement a unified and integrated approach to assessment of marine geohazards of risk for the Romanian-Bulgarian Black Sea cross-border area.
  • Install a real-time, fully automatic detection system comprising of deep Black Sea complex measurement stations (gauges), of on-shore marine seismicity monitoring and digitalized GPS stations.
  • Implement a common decision-support tool (DST) by provision of unique forecast and assessment software package and development of a joint database of scenarios, to facilitate and support management and mitigation of marine geohazards.
  • Create the regional technical capability to perform marine seismic measurements.
  • Prepare joint, updatable databank by integrating the existing national data, the real-time data from deep-sea gauges and the on-line data from sea-level gauges, remote sensing and national seismographic networks and by performing coordinated marine geohazard investigations to fill-in the lacking data.
  • Cluster and enhance the regional expertise by training the staff and establishment of data exchange platform between national institutions.